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Breaking Soul Ties w/Strategy & Wisdom

Soul ties are spiritual, emotional, or relational connections that deeply bond individuals, often discussed in the context of relationships. While the term "soul tie" itself is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the concept can be inferred from various scriptures that describe the deep and binding connections between people.


From a biblical perspective, soul ties can be understood as strong, often spiritual connections between individuals, resulting from relationships or interactions that deeply intertwine their emotions, wills, or spirits. These connections can be positive (godly and uplifting) or negative (unhealthy and spiritually harmful).


Biblical Understanding of Soul Ties

  1. Positive Soul Ties:

    • Jonathan and David: In 1 Samuel 18:1, the relationship between Jonathan and David is described as a deep bond: “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”  This represents a healthy and godly connection based on mutual respect, love, and shared purpose.

    • Marriage: Genesis 2:24 speaks of the bond in marriage: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  This "one flesh" union illustrates a spiritual and physical tie intended to reflect God's design for unity.

  2. Negative Soul Ties:

    • Sexual Immorality: In 1 Corinthians 6:16, Paul warns about the spiritual consequences of sexual sin: “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.’”  This suggests that physical intimacy can create unintended and unhealthy spiritual bonds outside of God's plan for marriage.

    • Idolatry and Unholy Alliances: Deuteronomy 13:6 describes how relationships with others, particularly those who lead one away from God, can form negative ties: If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your friend who is as your own soul, entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ ... you shall not yield to him.”  This emphasizes the spiritual influence of unhealthy relationships.

Press Play

STEP ONE: Understanding what deliverance ACTUALLY is versus what it is NOT.

Deliverance is the eviction of the Kingdom of Darkness from your life. Sanctification, restoration and healing is the strategic and intentional process by which you remove the residue left behind and shut the access points that opened your life up to demonic activity in the first place.

This 40-Day fasting strategy allows you to dive into the areas of your life that are left vulnerable after deliverance.

Severing Soul Ties:
A Testimony

Journey through this experience with a young woman who had to do the fast TWICE because she went back to what she needed to walk away from AND she did not remove all the things that were being a distraction.

Instructions for the Fast:

Insight: Fasting is a spiritual weapon of warfare and it MUST be wielded with precision, strategy and intentionality. We do NOT haphazardly fast and pray when we are tearing down the Kingdom of Darkness. It is the STRATEGIC use of the Word of God coupled with prayer and fasting that will break demonic strongholds.


1. Watch the short video about deliverance vs restoration. 

2. Watch the video at bottom of this page in it's entirety BEFORE you start the fast so you understand the journey you are about to embark on. 

3. Read "Misery Loves Company" in it's entirety BEFORE you start the fast. You need to know what's expected of you and how to organize your life to accommodate this strategy. 

4. Purge!!! - Click HERE for the FREE strategy. After you purge, ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT WHAT YOU NEED TO GIVE UP ON THIS FAST (i.e. things, people, media, music, entertainment, television).  

5. DO NOT skip around and pick and choose the order of the fast. Follow the strategy laid out. It's designed like that for a reason. 

6. In addition to a food denial, you MUST also deny TWO additional things that please your flesh and waste your time - i.e. social media, secular music, television. (See instructions in book)

*Regardless of the food denial you choose, there is ABSOLUTELY no sweets, junk food, alcohol OR recreational drugs allowed during this time of consecration.

7. If you have not fasted in a long time, never fasted or haven't done a fast this long before, I encourage you to start with an easier food denial and work your way up to the harder ones. A good practice is to change the type of food denial at the start of each new section.

8. If you make a mistake (sin or eat what you're not supposed to) DO NOT get off the fast. Immediately repent, and start back the next day. Go back and read anything the Holy Spirit instructs you to.

9. Read Isaiah 58 VERY carefully and understand what TRUE fasting is about.

10. Even though it is wise to plan out your fast, be willing to YIELD to the leading of the Holy Spirit if He changes the way you are to fast on any given day. 

11. This fast WILL NOT be easy. You are in a battle and you will be FIGHTING for your soul, but you will be fighting with weapons that are NOT carnal. This is a different way to fight. 

12. See the additional resources below that will give you insight into deliverance, the Courts of Heaven, and strategic weapons of warfare.

Watch the video below BEFORE starting the fast.

Breaking Down the 40-Day Fast

While this recording was for a women's conference, the principles AND the fast are for both men and women. Anyone seeking to gain freedom can utilize this strategy.

2024 Women's Conference

Strategic & Intentional: How to Live a Pristine Life

Becoming new is the easy part. Salvation is instantaneous. As soon as we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we are saved. The process comes when it’s time for sanctification.


Define sanctification:


  • the action of making or declaring something holy.

  • the action or process of being freed from sin or purified.

  • the action of causing something to be or seem morally right or acceptable.


There is nothing haphazard about being sanctified. In order to walk fully in your sanctification, you must be strategic and intentional about your walk with Christ. There are three ways we can maintain our sanctification. Consistency, maturity and obedience.  



  • It is time make God THE priority in your life and let all things flow from your relationship with Him. ALL the things.  ALL THE THINGS!

  • Prayer is a spiritual weapon (2 Cor. 10:4-5). Jesus is our prototype for a prayer life. Study the gospels and make a note of HOW and WHEN He prayed.  We must learn how to use prayer as an effective weapon in the spirit realm to get results in the natural realm.

  • Set aside time DAILY for just you and God and guard it fiercely.

  • Matthew 6:33 (NASB):  But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.


Maturity (Grow Up)

  • It’s time for us to grow up in Christ and surrender to His will. Living outside of God’s will is never going to bring you peace no matter what you accomplish in life you will always be unfulfilled.

  • No more whining and complaining about what we cannot have. What we don’t have.   What someone else has or how long it’s taking to get certain places in life. God has a plan for our lives, but when we buck the system of His kingdom authority we add delays, entanglements, and curses.

  • It’s time out for our entire Christian life to simply be about not sinning. If we don’t master sin, we will never get to partake in the benefits of a life surrendered to Christ.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NASB): When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.



  • Once you cultivate this life of STRATEGIC and INTENTIONAL prayer and God begins to give you insight, revelation, and instruction, it is IMPERATIVE that you obey.  Delayed obedience is still disobedience.  Downright refusal to obey is rebellion.  Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. PERIOD!

  • 1 Samuel 15:22 (NASB): Samuel said, “Does the Lord have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than a sacrifice, And to pay attention is better than the fat of rams.


weapons of warfare

This is a spiritual warfare manual that gives you the ready to go weapons of warfare that will help you fight strategically, intentionally and CORRECTLY in your warfare.

The Courts of Heaven

This is a REAL spiritual dimension and during your fast you MAY need to enter into the Courts of Heaven to break off LEGAL rights Satan has to your life.

Example of access points

This testimony breaks down how smoking weed opened him up to the spiritual realm, it ALSO shows how music that is NOT of God is an open access point in our lives as well.

how to war in prayer

This series is a breakdown of how I learned to war in prayer using the spiritual weapon of Strategic Prayer. You have to discern when the battle shifts so you can shift your weapons of warfare! 

Psalm 91
Strategic Prayer

This strategic daily prayer is rooted in the power of Psalm 91 and is designed to cover and protect your life. It provides practical, daily strategies to establish spiritual boundaries, shielding you from many common attacks of the enemy. Remember: the promises of Psalm 91 apply to those who dwell in the secret place—a committed and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Stay anchored in Him, and walk confidently in His divine protection.

destroy the altars

Spiritual Warfare is essentially a war of altars. The more you sacrifice to an altar, knowingly or unknowingly, you increase its power. What altars do you need to destroy?

idolatry & Warfare

I was blessed to speak on this subject twice. Both times God gave me a different perspective on how and why idolatrous connections endanger our lives. Grab this resource for further insight.

no other gods before me

This encounter with the Holy Spirit reveals just how deceptive idolatry can be. Our alignment with other gods brings a curse on our lives. This testimony reveals an unlikely organization the enemy is using to deceive!

don't overreact

Sometimes letting our emotions get the best of us can lead to unfortunate consequences. This message gives a perspective on why overreacting is NOT in your best interest. Taming our emotions is a tactic of warfare.

Anchor Scriptures

These seven scriptures are designed for you to commit them to memory, get them down in your spirit and use them to RESPOND when negative thoughts, voices, or emotions attempt to consume you, distract you, discredit you, and attempt to make you believe they can invalidate what God has said about you in His word. You must use your voice to TALK BACK to the voices that are sent from the pit of hell via demonic spirits, witches, or your own insecurities. Speak life and not death over your life. Letting these voices and thoughts go unchecked is tantamount to coming into agreement with them. We are no longer allowing the enemy to play in our face. We are activating the word of God and standing in the authority that we have as Kingdom citizens. 

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from Melinda Michelle

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850-583-1288 | melindamichelle@gmme21.comPO Box 3763, Tallahassee, FL 32315

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